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Admin Command Line

The admin command line let you interact with internal resources.


hoop login

Get Resources

To see the available resources available to get, type hoop admin get --help

hoop admin get plugins
audit - 0 6 -
dlp - 0 6 -

Some resources returns a tabular view, if they aren't available you could use the option -o json. Example:

hoop admin get jits -o json |jq .

The tabular view may include additional information, like connections showing which agent is connected or which plugin is associated with it.

# conn is an alias to connection
hoop admin get conn

To fetch a single resource

hoop admin get plugins audit

Creating Resources

To see the available resources available to create, type hoop admin create --help.


Create a token and start an agent locally

export HOOP_TOKEN=$(hoop admin create agent demo)
HOOP_GRPCURL=<host>:<port> hoop start agent

List it

hoop admin get agents


The command bellow creates a command-line connection with bash that prints 'hello hoop' to the standard output.


The command below assumes that you have at least an agent created with the name demo, to interact with it (hoop exec|connect) the agent needs to be deployed.

# create it
$ hoop admin create conn hello-hoop -a demo -- bash -c 'echo hello hoop'
# interact it
$ hoop exec hello-hoop
hello hoop

To create a connection to interact with postgres

hoop admin create conn pgdemo -a demo --type postgres \
-e \
-e PASS=dollar-manger-carouse-HEARTED \
-e USER=demoreadonly

# interact with it
hoop connect pgdemo

# in another terminal
psql -h 0 --port 5433 dellstore -c 'select now()'

Environment Variables

You could map environment variables to a connection

$ hoop admin create conn demo-bashenv -a demo -e ENVIRONMENT=prod -- \
bash -c 'echo environment is $ENVIRONMENT'

# interact with it
$ hoop exec demo-bashenv
environment is prod

You could map an environment variables as a file in the filesystem

$ hoop admin create conn demo-bashfs -a test-agent -e filesystem:SECRET_FILE=mybigsecret -- \
bash -c 'echo $SECRET_FILE; cat $SECRET_FILE'

# interact with it
$ hoop exec demo-bashfs

Using a base64 value as input to environment variables

$ hoop admin create conn demo-b64env -a test-agent -e b64-envvar:MYENV=$(echo val |base64) -- \
bash -c 'echo $MYENV'

# interact with it
$ hoop exec demo-b64env

Delete Resources

To see the available resources available to delete, type hoop admin delete --help

Delete an agent

hoop admin delete agent demo

Gateway Info

To see the status of the gateway

hoop admin gateway-info