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Use the REST API to search for specific content on sessions.

You can use the REST API to search for specific content inside sessions. As an administrator you may want to know if someone is passing something that they shouldn't be doing, or if some content is being exfiltrate from your environment.

It also gives an overview about how developers are using Hoop. It's possible to use facets to enrich your search query responses aggregating results based on the available fields of a session.

Normal users could also the search to lookup for their own executions in Hoop.

Ranking search results

The default behavior is to sort results by relevance, with the highest scoring results first.


The fields attribute allows asking to return information of a particular indexed field, see the list of available fields in the overview section.


The fields limit and offset can be used to paginate the results from a search.


It allows to highlight results for a specific client


The ansi highlighter mark the results to output them properly in a terminal


The html highlighter mark the results to output them properly in an web application.


Facets allow you to include aggregated information about the documents matching your query. In the request example we have two types of facets.

Terms Facet

Without providing any other configuration options this will produce what is known as a Terms Facet. That means each term indexed for this field is treated as a unique bucket. For each result document, we include the document in the appropriate bucket, as determined by the configured field.

Numeric Range Facet

With numeric range facets we can defined buckets to be bounded by numeric ranges.

Request Example

  • Here we have named the facet connections and requested the result to include the top 5 types or buckets in the facet.
  • The session index has a duration field. With numeric range facets it's possible to define buckets to be bounded by numeric ranges. In this example we define 3 buckets which cover all numeric values, corresponding to sessions that took < 15 seconds, between 15 and 50 seconds and more than 120 seconds.
"connections": {
"size": 5,
"field": "connection"
"duration": {
"size": 3,
"field": "duration",
"numeric_ranges": [
"name": "< 15sec ",
"max": 15
"name": "15s..50s ",
"min": 15,
"max": 50
"name": "> 120sec ",
"min": 120

Search Sessions

  • POST /api/plugins/indexer/sessions/search

Request Body

"query": "size:>0",
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0,
"highlighter": "html|ansi",
"fields": [],
"facets": null
querystring (required)the query syntax
limitnumericlimit of results to return (max 50)
offsetnumericpagination offset
highlightbooleanhighlight the results found in the search
fieldsarrayarray of string containing the fields to return
facetsmapa map to request for facets

Response Body

"status": {
"total": 1,
"failed": 0,
"successful": 1
"request": {
"query": {
"must": {
"conjuncts": [
"min": 0,
"field": "size"
"size": 0,
"from": 0,
"highlight": null,
"fields": [
"facets": null,
"explain": false,
"sort": [
"includeLocations": false,
"search_after": null,
"search_before": null
"hits": [],
"total_hits": 2027,
"bytesRead": 4054,
"max_score": 0.7277920604639038,
"took": 382666,
"facets": null
statusmapthe status of the result
requestmapthe request that was sent to the API
hitsmapthe results found in a search
total_hitsint64the total of results found in a search
bytesReadint64the amount of bytes read from a search
max_scorefloat64the max scope found in a search
tookint64the amount of time (in nanoseconds) it took to run the query
facetsmapthe facets returned from the search

Hit Entry

Hits are ordened by score by default, an entry response has the following format

"id": "f7bd3500-d966-49ff-aaf9-7893d199c0da",
"score": 1.3805454273456597,
"locations": {
"output": {
"": [
"pos": 110,
"start": 798,
"end": 808,
"array_positions": null
"fragments": {
"output": [
"…03.423Z&#34;,&#34;caller&#34;:&#34;;,&#34;msg&#34;:&#34;Foregrounding IPAM daemon ...&#34;}\nERROR: logging before <mark>flag.Parse</mark>: E0701 10:47:33.480783 11 memcache.go:138] couldn&#39;t get current server API group list; wi…"
"sort": [
"fields": {
"connection": "k8s-read"
idstringthe session id
scorefloat64the score of the hit
locationsmapthe position of findings, valid only for `input
fragmentsmapthe fragments returned from a search
sortarrayhow the results were sorted
fieldsmapwhich fields was requested to return

Facets Response

A facet response contains the response how the fields were aggregated

"facets": {
"connections": {
"field": "connection",
"total": 3,
"missing": 0,
"other": 0,
"terms": [
"term": "k8s-read",
"count": 3
"duration": {
"field": "duration",
"total": 3,
"missing": 0,
"other": 0,
"numeric_ranges": [
"name": "< 15sec ",
"max": 15,
"count": 3