Hoop Tutorials
📄️ Agent Deployment
Tutorial explaining how to deploy and register an agent in multiple environments
📄️ Heroku Quick Start
This guide shows how to interact with workloads and resources in the Heroku Platform.
📄️ Big Query (bq cli)
This guide shows how to create a layer of control on top of the bq command line
📄️ VSCode
Send any script from VSCode to hoop.dev
📄️ Plugin Development
This guide shows how to extend hoop developing Plugins with GO.
📄️ Nginx Ingress Controller
This tutorial explains how to setup the nginx ingress controller to expose the hoop gateway web & gRPC services with TLS.
📄️ Runops Migration
This guide explains how to migrate from runops to hoop. The supported features and targets are described below
📄️ Metabase
You could connect Metabase and redact sensitive content.
This demo shows how to deploy a ruby application on ECS with the hoop agent.
📄️ Data Loss Prevention (DLP) using Postgresql
In this tutorial we will show how to connected with any database service from any private networking. You only need to install the hoop agent to get access and apply DLP by default.