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Runops Migration

This guide explains how to migrate from runops to hoop. The supported features and targets are described below

Supported Targets

  • mysql / mysql-csv
  • postgres / postgres-csv
  • sql-server
  • python
  • k8s types (exec, apply, k8s)
  • ecs-exec
  • mongo
  • elixir, python, clojure, node, bash

Supported Features


  1. Install node and the runops command line
npm install -g runops
  1. Install the hoop command line

  2. Login to runops

runops login
  1. Login to your hoop instance
hoop login

Contact the technical support if you don't know the address of your hoop gateway instance.


The migration is simple, it will just output the commands required to deploy a new hoop agent and install/configure the connections and plugins.

hoop admin target-to-connection <my-target> --grpc-url hoop-gw-instance:8443


In this example we have a mysql connection and our gateway instance is hoop SaaS (

$ hoop admin target-to-connection db-write --grpc-url

AGENT_TOKEN=$(hoop admin create agent eks)
VERSION=$(curl -s
helm upgrade --install hoopagent \$VERSION/hoopagent-chart-$VERSION.tgz \
--set "" \
--set "config.gateway.token=$AGENT_TOKEN"

# enable access control plugin because the target has groups
hoop admin create plugin access_control

# enable review plugin because the target has review groups
hoop admin create plugin review

# enabling because the target secret provider is aws or env-var
hoop admin create plugin secretsmanager --source hoop/secretsmanager

# the connection
hoop admin create connection db-write --agent eks \
--overwrite \
--type command-line \
--plugin 'access_control:admin;devops' \
--plugin 'audit' \
--plugin 'dlp' \
--plugin 'review:admin;devops' \
--plugin 'secretsmanager' \
--plugin 'slack' \
--env DB=envjson:MYSQL_WRITE:MYSQL_DB \
--env PORT=3306 \
-- mysql -A --port '$PORT' -h '$HOST' -u '$USER' -D '$DB' --comments
  • It will display how to create and deploy a hoop agent on Kubernetes with Helm.
  • It will enable the access control plugin allowing access from admin and devops groups
  • It will enable the dlp plugin because the target has redact configuration
  • It will enable the review plugin with admin and devops as approval groups
  • It will enable the plugin secrets manager because it's configured with secret provider env-var
  • It will configure the slack plugin because it has the target has a slack channel.
  • It will configure the secrets mapping based on the target type (mysql)
  • It will configure the command based on the target type (mysql)


  1. If the target is configured with env-var secret provider it's important to propagate the secrets when deploying the agent.

Use helm template ... to configure the deployment/secret templates:

helm template$VERSION/hoopagent-chart-$VERSION.tgz \
--set "config.gateway.grpc_url=<gateway-instance>:8443"
  1. You can copy the Kubernetes deployment of the runops agent and replicate it with the hoop agent using the image hoophq/hoopdev
  • Make sure that the env HOOP_TOKEN or TOKEN is configured with the token created in the first step
  • Make sure that the env HOOP_GRPCURL is set to your hoop gateway instance