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This guide explains how to deploy hoop on generic container platforms.

Gateway Deployment

To deploy the gateway in a container platform, we recommed using the image hoophq/hoop.

  • required arguments: hoop start gateway
  • exposed ports: 8009, 8010
  • required environment variables:
    • API_URL
    • IDP_AUDIENCE (required by most identity provider platforms)

The container platform need to allow passing arguments to the container. In docker for example, this is analougous to:

docker run hoophq/hoop hoop start gateway

The gateway needs to be able to reach an xtdb instance which is provided by the image hoophq/xtdb.

  • exposed ports: 3001
  • required environment variables:
    • PG_HOST
    • PG_PORT
    • PG_DB
    • PG_USER

Agent Deployment

The recommended image is hoophq/hoopdev which contains all the required tools installed, it's only supported for amd64 architecture.

  • environment variables:
    • HOOP_TOKEN (the agent will unregister on restarts if it's not set)