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Oauth2 - Auth0

This guide explain how to configure Auth0 with Hoop.


  • Hoop Command Line
  • An account in Auth0
  • API_URL is the public DNS name of the hoop gateway instance

Contact the administrator of the hoop gateway instance to retrieve the API_URL address.

Identity Provider Configuration

1) Create a new application

  • Go to Applications > Applications and click on the Create Application button
  • Select a Regular Web Application

2) Configure the redirect URIs

  • Allowed Callback URLs: {API_URL}/api/callback
  • Allowed Logout URLs: {API_URL}/api/logout

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  • Save the Application

3) Collect the required information


In the Application Home

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On Applications > APIs

api settings

The IDP_ISSUER will be the same address but without the suffix api/v2