Oauth2 - Jumpcloud
This guide explains how to configure Jumpcloud with Hoop.
Jumpcloud doesn't emit JWT as access token, thus the gateway validates if a client is authenticated performing an http request to the userinfo endpoint (oidc spec).
- An admin account in Jumpcloud
is the public DNS name of the hoop gateway instance
Contact the administrator of the hoop gateway instance to retrieve the API_URL
Identity Provider Configuration
- Login with your account at https://console.jumpcloud.com/
1) Create a new SSO application
- Go to SSO and click on the Add New Application button
- Select Custom OIDC App button on the footer of the page
- Pick a name, and an optional description
- In SSO tab
- Add the Redirect URLs to
- Add the Login URL: to
- Add the Redirect URLs to
- Pick Client Secret Basic as Authentication Type (used when exchanging the code in the authorization flow)
2) Attribute Mapping
- Still in the SSO tab, select the standard scopes
- In the Groups attribute, select include groups attribute and label it https://app.hoop.dev/groups
3) Activate the Application
- Click activate
- Copy both Client ID and Client Secret
- The secret cannot be retrieved later. Make sure you copy and store it now.
4) Collect the required information
- IDP_CLIENT_SECRET can only be retrieved after app creation. Please refer to the section above.
- IDP_CLIENT_ID - Go to SSO > {AppName} > SSO Tab > Endpoint Configuration > Client ID
- IDP_ISSUER is https://oauth.id.jumpcloud.com/.
Please refer to their public .well-known file.
Associating User Groups
To propagate groups to Hoop, create a new group
- Go to User Groups > Create Group and provide a name and description
- Go to Users tab and mark the users that you wish to add in this new group
- Go to Applications tab and mark your custom oidc app
- Click in Save