Oauth2 - Google (GCP)
This guide explain how to configure Google with Hoop.
- Hoop Command Line
- An account in GCP
is the public DNS name of the hoop gateway instance
Contact the administrator of the hoop gateway instance to retrieve the API_URL
Identity Provider Configuration
- Login with your account at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
1) Create a new application
- Go to Credentials > Create Credentials button > OAuth client ID
- In Application type, select Web Application
- Give it a name (i.e. "Hoop")
2) Configure the redirect URIs
- Click Authorized redirect URIs and put the following URI:
- Click Create button
- Take note on the ClientID and Client secret
- Click Download JSON (contain useful information)
3) Collect the required information
When you created the app, you got those. But they are also available in the JSON file that was downloaded by the creation time. The download is also available at:
- Credentials > OAuth 2.0 Client IDs > {AppName} > Actions > Download
Fixed https://accounts.google.com
4) Add 'https://app.hoop.dev/groups' claim to ID Token (optional)
- This functionality is under development for Google